Tuesday, September 02, 2014

DSL reworks curriculum


The Carlisle campus is just one year away now from its new grand experiment starting next summer: a new life as one of two, separately-accredited law schools operated by Penn State.
Faculty here are now months into a curriculum development process that will see the once-and-future Dickinson Law pledging a core focus on "producing practice-ready lawyers for a competitive, global market."
That's an intentional statement meant as a mark of distinction in a legal education field that's been criticized for years for doing a better job of teaching students how to graduate from law school than how to be a lawyer.

Let's hope they do it right.  Most schools now are paying lip service to experiential learning.  Entrenched faculty resist change and they will have to change--even the first year classes--if they really want to produce "practice ready" lawyers.  Just adding a clinic or two isn't going to cut it.  This article sounds as if they're actually taking the change seriously.

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