Sunday, November 21, 1999

Things Are Looking Good - November 21, 1999

The Sunday Patriot-News Harrisburg
Copyright 1999

Sunday, November 21, 1999



The affiliation between Penn State and Dickinson School of Law that began in 1997-98 has shown signs of success, according to university officials. Here are some indicators they cite:

Applications to the law school increased 14 percent from 1997-98 to last year, compared with a 9 percent increase the previous year. Nationally, applications to all law schools rose 1.5 percent from 1996-97 to 1997-98 and by 4.2 percent last year.

The diversity of the law school's student body is growing geographically and racially. The percentage of first-year students from Pennsylvania has declined to 60 percent from 68 percent in 1996- 97. This year, students come from 24 states as opposed to last year's 19 states. The law school last year admitted 8 minority students to its first-year class, while this year's new class has 19 minority students.

Fund-raising has soared. The law school joined in the university's $1 billion capital campaign in 1997-98 and set a $16 million goal for itself to be used primarily for student scholarships. The first year the school raised $934,310. Last year, it raised $4.2 million.

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