Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Premeditated Murder of Dickinson by Penn State

PSU’s law school is the brainchild of Graham Spanier, who early in his tenure at the university’s president decided that the university ought to have a law school, because prestige etc. At that time, Tom Ridge was Pennsylvania’s governor. Ridge is an alumnus of the Dickinson School of Law, a small private law school in Carlisle, which is the seventh-oldest law school in the country, having operated since the early 19th century. (It’s never been affiliated with Dickinson College, the well-regarded liberal arts college in the same town).
Spanier decided that the best way to advance this scheme was to convince Ridge to allow PSU to acquire Dickinson. Over the next few years complex political negotiations — in which Ed Rendell apparently played some role as well — eventually produced the following deal: The law school would become part of PSU, and a second campus for the school would open in State College, site of PSU’s flagship campus. PSU agreed to keep the Carlisle campus open until at least 2025, or 2020 if the university declared a financial exigency. The university committed to spending an enormous sum — about $130 million — on creating the new campus and updating the old one. Consequently, PSU built a $60 million law school building in State Park, which opened in 2009, and spent an additional $50 million on a new building and the upgrading of the existing physical plant at the Carlisle campus. The new Carlisle facilities were completed in 2010.
Spanier’s “vision” called for a law school with a typical first year enrollment of around 240 students, with two thirds of these in State College and the rest in Carlisle. This exercise in classic imperial administrative overstretch began to fall apart almost immediately. Predictably, the faculties of the law school’s two campuses didn’t get along. The State College faculty wanted to chase after rankings, which meant playing the academic prestige game, which in turn meant trying to hire faculty who would publish lots of law review articles. The righteous remnant in Carlisle, also quite predictably, started thinking of itself as focused on professional training — “experiential learning” in the current jargon — rather than on “theory.” (“Theory” is the buzzword for anything smacking of academic pretentions in this thing of ours).

Go to the link for the rest.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dickinson law school to provide grant to Pennsylvanians

CARLISLE — Penn State University Dickinson School of Law is giving state residents a new reason to consider the law school.
The school will provide a renewable, annual grant of $20,000, available through the Commonwealth Scholars program, for Pennsylvania residents who are applying to the law school.

Maybe this marks a trend of returning to the notion of state-supported law schools.  Tuition at a private school is understandably higher than at a state school.  But in the last decade or so, even the state schools have hiked up their tuition to private-school levels.  State schools should be more affordable for residents of the state, so this is a move in the right direction.

My first year at DSL was 1977-1978.  Back then, the state gave a small grant to Pennsylvania residents.  I was from Maryland so I didn't receive it.  But then, I think even without the grant, my tuition was only about $1500 per semester.  (That's the number I remember; maybe someone else can confirm.)   I paid for the first year of law school (including living expenses) with a $5,000 inheritance and got a student loan for $10,000 to pay for the last two years, so I think my memory is accurate.  (I also had what they called a "library scholarship" for middler year, which means I worked in the law library.  For third year I worked for Dean Wilks.)